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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Of Groceries and Angels and Coupons...

See - I knew I wouldn't have a problem interwining debt reduction, health and spirituality! *brushes shoulders off*

So - the first step in my family's goal to be debt free is to make a workable budget AND FOLLOW IT! Emphasis mine, because soooo many times we take the time out to make our budget but spend money however we want. For our family we are guilty in overspending on food - the fast kind if you get my drift. I can even go to the grocery store and purchase food, but if we are too tired lazy to cook - the groceries sit there. In an effort to eat healthier we HAVE TO MAKE STRIDES in this area, so we've made another commitment to purchasing food and cooking it.

Was reading a few personal finance blogs and saw mention of Angel Food Ministries, I'd forgotten that Mac and I said we'd give them a try. There is a church by my mom's house that has their large banner out, so we'll order from there. Placed my order this morning for a fruit and veggie package, convenience meal package (hey, I'm being realistic here), and a 4x4 package (the goods to make 4 meals for a 4 person family). I even found a coupon code (yay me) that took 10% off my order! I pick up my "groceries" next Saturday...I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!


Tara @ The Young Mommy Life said...

Oooh, chile, who are you telling? Making a budget is easy - following it is hard. And who wants to budget with their food? I know I don't. LOL. I'm serious about mine.

But that sounds like a great plan. Let us know how it works out! :)

Lianna said...

Good luck with your food budget! I know all too well how it can be a struggle. Just last week I forced myself to finish ALL the leftovers before cooking a new meal. Now if I could just eat all the produce before it goes bad...